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Watch YouTube music videos

25/02/2011 18:37

Most of us watch YouTube music videos for fun. We enjoy seeing other people do the things that we would like to do. But not too many of us watch videos with one specific goal in mind,-"what can I learn from this video, which will help me to sing better?"

If you often just for the fun of watching, so does the next time you sit in front of your computer screen, try the following:

1. pick a few singers who you admire who also run the kind of music that you sing. (This is not to suggest that you can learn only from those musicians who are in the same genre. You can learn from watching anysinger. But it's a good idea to stick with singers who are doing well in your specific musical category.)

2. ask yourself what it is about this singer who him/her a successful performer has created. For example, with Michael Jackson was his ability to dance and his great rhythm.

Choose one or two attributes you like about the singer that you chose.

3. Now the video while you concentrate on how he/she expresses these qualities in this performance.

For example, if you are impressed with your singer's voice-closely how he/she breathes. Listen to how he/she phrases, how he/she has his/her mouth, tongue and jaw used to create a unique sound.

If possible, watch videos of live performances. We know that many, if not the most professional music videos are synchronized with a high quality recorded version of the music we hear. The singers sing often not the music that you hear. So if you look at how they really want to produce their sound, watching them in a live performance.

4. watch the same video again, this time to focus on some other aspects of the performance that grabs your attention. The way that moves your singer, maybe. Or how they interact with other members of the band. Perhaps are you surprised how this singer's treatment of a microphone. Sharp in the holes. Think about it. Try it with your own microphone.

The point is to study what others do, and then try to imitate it. Setting up your own video-camera and See yourself in action. Over time, you can create your own version of another singer's scintillating moments.


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