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Emergency preparedness

04/03/2011 06:32

Flood risks are always obvious. Floodwaters may contain toxic chemicals and inevitably spawn dangerous bacteria. Only if you have your own supply of fresh water drinking and washing, you can keep all of the cuts or open sores infection floodwater corresponds to the micro-organisms. Below you can follow the safety precautions and your family.

If you want to walk through floodwater to make only as centre of the boots or waders sufficiently high to secure water. Wash your hands with SOAP and a clean and safe water, completely and frequently. If available, in particular, the use of SOAP, in the preparation of food or eating. Children who suck their thumb or too young to know the risk is to susceptible to hand the foot exposed.

Drink no water except for bottled water until the water is considered safe for the local officers. The following lines in your House, even the water is safe, the water is disinfected.

Structures, which have been in the melodies can be dangerous. Ceilings, floors can give way to the cave and the whole of the building collapsed without warning. Is your home inspected by a professional before moving back to the certificate and secure for you and your family.

If you live in the area of flood-prone to flood risk, maintain the waterproof survival kit in the home, with the following options:
Bottled water for food, drinks, which do not require cooling, first aid equipment, extra life, heavy boots, shoes, dry clothes, thermal blankets, flashlights, batteries, battery operated radio plastic bags to trash and keeping things smaller than the close of the bags, or just to keep things dry, together with the tools and a small number of vitallincluding: sharp Switchblade knife, razor blade, adjustable vääntimien, assorted particular requirements for screwdrivers, adjustable pliers and Canal locks, rope, Twine and bailing wire, duct tape, electrical tape.

Standing on the outside of the walls next to the House of water could prove the integrity of the structure or the Foundation has been compromised is not safe to enter. You must be a member of the House to the experts and certified safe for you and your family.

Rotate to loose power lines and gas leaks to the outside of the characters in the House. You may be able to smell of sulphur in the gas line, but you hear probably work around the gas huminaa. See, hear or smell anything suspicious, call the add-in for the company or the emergency services.

Light fixtures, use the lighters, smoke or use candles, lanterns, camping gas stoves or open flame around the House, until it is checked and flammable gases, or other fire hazards.

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